Enhancement of student projects


Bllstick. The stick that is valid for two

Student: N. Bonriposi

Tutor: M. Canina

Prize: Classified in the Switch2Product Competition – initiative organized by: Acceleratore d’Impresa, Fondazione Politecnico and Politecnico di Milano, aimed at promoting creativity and bringing out ideas that can lead to the development of products/services with high technological content or innovative design.


The project consists of a walking aid. It is a walking stick used as a support to facilitate and assist walking and improve balance. It relieves part of the body weight on the upper limbs and increases the support base during walking. The peculiarities of the project are: 1_to have two sticks in one without sacrificing comfort during use in both ways; 2_the “easyBring” system that helps the person to collect half of the stick or any metal object through a magnet system.

Years: 2012-2013