IDEActivity Center allows you to break pre-established patterns, stimulate the imagination and enhance the conditions in which the idea is produced. These are fundamental elements for the construction of new strategic projects and training scenarios suited to the needs of businesses, institutions and organizations. Radical innovation is based on creativity, intended not as a single event but as a systemic approach. Therefore, knowing and stimulating Creative Thinking becomes strategic.


IDEActivity is an innovative methodological approach which, based on the synergy between creativity techniques and tools of design, allows to design with the proactive participation of the users. It is a strategy to make more efficient the creative design process for innovation. We believe that design and creativity are the strategic levers of innovation.

User involvement is an attitude. It is a new way of considering the user as an integral part of the project
Our method aims to stimulate and enhance those factors that allow for radical innovation, ensuring that a creative and design approach becomes a permanent mindset within a company, an institution or an organization. The characteristics of this method, based on the Design Thinking process, are: creativity as a “lateral thinking” ability; the Human-Centered approach and co-design. These aspects allow collaborative actions aimed at identifying and solving problems through the direct involvement of the users.

Key Elements

Our methodology is people-centered, co-creative and designed to encourage the empowerment of creativity. Therefore, the aim of IDEActivity method is to ensure that a process of innovation affects the entire organization, strengthening its ability to innovate and allowing the co-creation of value with all the actors involved. This process, that fully exploit the potentialities of Design Thinking and Creative Thinking,can be applied in any context.

Creative Thinking
IDEActivity Center allows to improve the creative potential by activating our lateral thinking abilities.
When we have to create an original and innovative solution, it is fundamental to change the pattern of reasoning and see things differently. We must therefore leave the convergent / vertical thinking, based on logical deductions, to enter the laterality of creative thinking. Creative thinking consists in tackling problems starting from solid knowledge, but adopting new perspectives, with the aim of finding innovative and effective solutions whatever the field of application. This style of thinking is expressed in a process that is not always linear and consists of collecting, selecting and reconfiguring information, identifying useful connections to generate new conclusions.

Design Thinking
This combination of thinking e design offers the opportunity to apply design tools and mindset to other contexts to create new business, services and processes.
Design Thinking is a strategy to make the process of creation of new ideas more efficient and therefore to help creativity. It is not only an engine for innovation but offers new process models and tools that help to improve, accelerate and visualize every creative process, making it accessible not only to designers but also to multidisciplinary teams and to all types of organizations.
The similarities with lateral thinking are evident, in fact, they are all methodologies for facing a problem from a different perspective, with the aim not to produce a solution, but to produce many possible ways to solve the problem.



The process for innovation

A project is the result of hard work amplified by a creative process of human-centered exploration and followed by iterative cycles of prototyping, testing and improvement. The design process is best described metaphorically as a system of spaces rather than a predefined series of ordered steps. The spaces delimit the different types of interrelated activities that together form the continuum of innovation.

Design Tools
Il metodo integra strumenti e tecniche di creatività e design per finalizzare le varie fasi del processo.
The IDEActivity method is designed to be a fluid and flexible tool that can be adapted to answer the needs of organizations with different objectives and configurations.
The method creates a fertile climate, where creativity / design / innovation are linked and interdependent. Integrating creative techniques into the design process expands the organizations possibilities to obtain continuous innovation and to be competitive. The method integrates various techniques, some are well-known while others are developed ad hoc for specific purposes. This method has a fundamental part of “play” to get people involved, to collaborate, to team-up, and to look at things from another point of view with the help of others.

To learn more about our IDEActivity method, download our  TOOLKIT which integrates creativity techniques and tools to support the creative design process.